Why comparison pages
for SaaS marketing & sales?

Why comparison pages
for SaaS marketing & sales?

In almost any industry, customers can find multiple options, with similar features and benefits. The question is: why should they choose you?

In almost any industry, customers can find multiple options with similar benefits.

The question is:
why should they choose you?

Create comparison pages — in just a few clicks.

Why comparison pages are a must
— especially for SaaS marketing.

Why comparison pages are a must — especially for SaaS marketing.

Truth be told: when it comes to important purchase, we don't buy right away. We compare, look around and see if there are better and/or cheaper alternatives out there.

This is especially true when it comes to buying something work-related. Now it became almost customary to look at and weigh different options before making the final decision. Thus, the importance of proactively creating comparison pages between you and your competitors.

Plus, adding comparison pages to your website is essential because comparison pages can help:

✅ Boost your SEO results, and
✅ Boost your SEO results, and
✅ Generate quality-leads.

Product Comparison for SEO

Product Comparison for SEO

Boost SEO
via product comparison

Boost SEO
via product comparison

People compare products when they are serious about buying one. Meaning, comparison pages target high-intent keywords for potential customers who are currently weighing different options.

For example, imagine people search for "[Industry] + project management software comparison" and , in the top search results, your own comparison page shows up —
✅ not only mentioning your own product as an option but also highlighting why yours is the one they should ultimately choose.

How do comparison pages help SEO?

How do comparison pages help SEO?

SEO Benefit 1

Increase organic traffic

Increase organic traffic

By targeting these high-intent keywords, comparison pages attract users who are already interested in the specific problem your product solves.

As a result, it helps increase organic traffic directly relevant to your product.

SEO Benefit 2

Improve keyword rankings

Improve keyword rankings

Comparison pages provide a natural opportunity to incorporate relevant keywords throughout the content.

This targeted approach strengthens your website's relevance for those keywords, boosting your ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs)

SEO Benefit 3

Enhance user experience

Enhance user experience

A well-crafted comparison page can help your potential customers save time for research and analysis, enabling a quicker, better decision.

Instead of simply highlighting the benefits of your product only, provide comprehensive and thoughtful product comparison to guide users through their decision-making process and increase engagement on your overall website.

SEO Benefit 4

Build authority and credibility

Build authority and credibility

By positioning ourselves as a trusted source of information within the industry, we can enhance our brand authority and credibility.

Comparison pages demonstrate our expertise and transparency, instilling confidence in potential customers and improving brand perception.

Product Comparison for Lead-gen

Product Comparison for Lead-gen

Capture quality leads
via product comparison

Capture quality leads
via product comparison

While SEO benefits of adding comparison pages to your site are undeniable, they also act as a powerful tool for lead generation.

Plus, the leads you capture through comparison pages have higher buying-intent as they are actively looking at different options and are very likely to know what matters most to them when weighing pros and cons of each product.

How do comparison pages help lead generation?

How do comparison pages help lead generation?

Lead-gen Benefit 1

Capture leads strategically

Capture leads strategically

Comparison pages can be designed to integrate strategic calls to action (CTAs). This allows you to capture leads directly at a crucial point in the buyer's journey. Encourage visitors to download a free trial, request a demo, or learn more about your product's unique advantages.

Lead-gen Benefit 2

Highlight your value proposition

Highlight your value proposition

Comparisons allow you to showcase your product's strengths directly against competitors, addressing customer pain points head-on.

This effectively positions your offering as the ideal solution for their specific needs.

Lead-gen Benefit 3

Build customer confidence

Build customer confidence

Comparisons allow you to showcase your product's strengths directly against competitors, addressing customer pain points head-on.

This effectively positions your offering as the ideal solution for their specific needs.

See how your product compares.
All you need to know: your competitors' names.

See how your product compares.

🕹️ Know your competitors?

Create comparison pages
in just minutes.

Know your competitors?

Create comparison
pages in just minutes.

It's free!

It's free!

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